Tag: <span>secret diary</span>

Under (Secret Diary Of A Serial Killer)

This month I’m taking part in the A-Z Challenge! Which means I’ll be writing 26 posts (on set days through the month) each one corresponding to a letter of the alphabet. Today is day 21, which means letter U.

My theme for the month is: Secret Diary Of A Serial Killer. Each post will be a new chapter in the story – I’m really excited to finally get this novel idea out of my head and into words. I hope you enjoy it! 🙂

Previous Chapter: Trapped Start from A: Anna



I didn’t move while Capinski tied my hands in front of me with a zip tie. I didn’t even flinch when he ran his fingers through my hair.

He stood up and walked across the room, bored with my lack of response. I hoped he thought it was from the drugs, but thankfully I could feel my mind becoming more clear as time passed by. I just needed him to be distracted long enough for me to trust my limbs to work properly.

My mind kept drifting to Johnny, but I couldn’t spare a thought for him right now; for whatever Capinski might have done to him. I needed to focus on getting myself out of here.

From my sitting position I had a slightly better view of the work bench in the middle of the room. A black cloth lay over something – or someone.

I silently hoped he needed to deal with whatever was under there before turning his full attention to me. Anything to buy me more time.

Capinski started whistling to himself, a tune I hadn’t heard before. Maybe something he made up. I couldn’t see what he was doing but there was a lot of shuffling, and the sound of something being dragged along a counter.

I flexed my fingers and moved my arms a little while his back was turned, testing my reflexes. Not perfect but better than they were. I moved my head from side to side, slowly, and my vision followed the motion with a slight delay, like I was drunk. At least that was something I could work with.

Capinski turned around from the back wall and moved to the work bench. I could hear him pushing something like a rolling tray table, but I couldn’t see what was on it.

His whistling continued as he fiddled with things I couldn’t see. He looked at me a few times, trying to see how awake I was.

I kept a glazed expression on my face, blinking very slowly every so often. He smiled whenever he saw it.

His hand trembled as he reached towards the black cloth, and he slowly dragged his fingertips over the top of it. Down, down, from one end to the other.

I could tell from the way the cloth moved and indented, there was definitely a body under there.

He closed his eyes briefly and sighed. He seemed almost remorseful about what he was going to do.

And I realised, a moment before he pulled the cloth down the body, he had abducted Carly.

This was his end game.

Next Chapter: Victim

Trapped (Secret Diary Of A Serial Killer)

This month I’m taking part in the A-Z Challenge! Which means I’ll be writing 26 posts (on set days through the month) each one corresponding to a letter of the alphabet. Today is day 20, which means letter T, and we’re in the final week of the challenge!

My theme for the month is: Secret Diary Of A Serial Killer. Each post will be a new chapter in the story – I’m really excited to finally get this novel idea out of my head and into words. I hope you enjoy it! 🙂

Previous Chapter: Surprise Start from A: Anna



The sound of a dripping tap filled my head. My thoughts were a blur at first, but I could still hear that damn tap dripping.




I tried to open my eyes but didn’t have the energy. So I lay there, feeling something cold and rough beneath my fingertips – concrete.

As the mind-fog began to lift things started coming back to me. Following Capinski to a house – his house he said, but was that true? Then going into the cellar thinking I had the upper hand. I grimaced at how stupid I’d been.

Smells started to come to me – the subtle earthiness of the woods outside was quickly overpowered by the lemony scent of cleaning supplies.

Slowly I opened one eye, just a crack. The cellar was dimly lit by a lantern in the far corner. I opened my other eye and got acclimated to the light.

In the middle of the room was a large wooden work bench, with something on top of it. I tried to sit up but the movement made my head spin so I lay flat again.

The doors leading to outside were closed. I slowly moved my head slightly to see around the room fully, and realised I was alone.

Carefully I shuffled my back up the wall so I was sitting. My head protested but there wasn’t time to wait for it to get back to normal.

I fished around in my pockets, he’d taken my phone and keys. And my wallet, which reinforced that he wasn’t planning for me to leave here alive. Then I remembered the trackers. I slid my hand into my back pocket and came up empty, cursing to myself.

Then I smiled a little, wondering what must be going through his head finding a second tracking device – Johnny’s – in my pocket.

There was the metallic sound of a padlock outside the doors. Then some scuffling noises before one door opened. I stayed sitting – just thinking about trying to lie down again was giving me a headache.

Capinski walked down the stairs, closing the cellar door behind him. He looked so calm.

He raised an eyebrow when he saw me. “You metabolized that quickly.”

I tried to speak but all that came out of my mouth was, “Urrhhhh.”

He laughed. “Or maybe not so quickly. It’s strong stuff, I’d be impressed if you weren’t affected by it. But as usual, you aren’t impressive.”

He crouched down in front of me. So close I wanted to reach out and choke him to death, but I couldn’t be sure my arms would react properly, so I waited.

I never would have expected you were into incest,” he said, his voice filled with disgust.

Johnny, I thought. He must have seen us kissing at the bus station.

I blinked, not giving him the satisfaction of my failure to talk again. But my mind was racing – would Capinski go after Johnny next?

He stood and paced around. “Seems your brother,” he put air quotes around the word brother, “Didn’t trust you either,” Capinski said, and laughed. “He slipped a tracking device in your pocket. But don’t worry, I’ve taken care of it.”

Capinski crouched down in front of me again, and ran a finger down my cheek. “He won’t be bothering us any time soon.”

Next Chapter: Under

Surprise (Secret Diary Of A Serial Killer)

This month I’m taking part in the A-Z Challenge! Which means I’ll be writing 26 posts (on set days through the month) each one corresponding to a letter of the alphabet. Today is day 19, which means letter S.

My theme for the month is: Secret Diary Of A Serial Killer. Each post will be a new chapter in the story – I’m really excited to finally get this novel idea out of my head and into words. I hope you enjoy it! 🙂

Previous Chapter: Reveal Start from A: Anna



The next day I set out early to meet Capinski. We’d arranged to meet a block away from work, in a parking lot for the bus station.

I was earlier than I needed to be, but I wanted to get there before Capinski.

As I parked my car – near the back corner, away from the bus station cameras – my door opened and Johnny got in. I had my gun drawn before I realised who it was.

Woah, woah!” He said, his hands up. “I guess I should have planned a better entrance, but I wasn’t sure who was watching.”

That’s how you get shot.” I holstered my gun and shook my head at him. “And he isn’t here yet. Or at least, his car isn’t.” I took another look around the parking lot.

Johnny handed me my phone. “It’s got a tracker in so I’ll know where you are – don’t argue. This is a dangerous game you’re playing,” he said.

I smiled and put my phone in my pocket. “No arguments. Thanks for doing that.”

He handed me something else. A small disc similar to the one Capinski had used to track me.

I’m a big believer in redundancy where security is involved. That’s a different tracking device, keep it in your back pocket with the one he planted on you,” he said. “That way, if he checks to see if you’re carrying anything he’ll just think it’s his device.”

Thanks,” I said, smiling more. It felt good to have someone actually care about me after so long of going it alone. “I really mean it.”

He leaned forward, I met him half way and we kissed. Both of us savoring it, his hands in my hair pulling me closer. We eventually came up for air and I put a hand on his chest.

You should go,” I said, sounding more breathless than I anticipated. “He’ll be here soon.”

Johnny nodded and got out the car. “Be careful,” he said, as he shut the door.

Wow, I thought to myself. Shaking my head I cleared my thoughts and slipped the new tracker into my back pocket. I took a quick look around and saw Capinski’s car pulling into the parking lot. He parked a few cars away and got out, walking towards my car.

My passenger door opened again and I resisted the urge to draw my gun. Capinski sat down and closed the door.

I smiled at him and brushed my hair behind my ear. “Morning!” I tried to sound cheery – eager to learn those killing skills he thinks I don’t already have.

He smiled and put a hand on my knee. “Are you ready to see the master at work?”

Oh wow, I thought. He calls himself the master?

I grinned. “You have a target in mind?” I couldn’t help myself, even though I was conning him I still felt a surge of excitement about hunting someone new.

Ready and waiting,” he said.

I raised an eyebrow. “You picked someone without me?”

For a moment he looked a little sad. “I already chose her before I knew about you. Is that ok?” He said. “We can pick the next one together.”

I tried to look disappointed but then smiled and said, “I guess so. I still get to watch you work, right?”

He grinned. “Oh yeah, I’m going to put on quite a show!” He opened the car door and stepped out, leaning back in to say, “Follow me to my place.”

I nodded.

We drove out of town, past both of the forest body dump sites, which now made more sense for location. Finally pulling up to a large stone country house.

I whistled as I walked to the storm cellar doors to meet Capinski. “This is a nice place!” I said, meaning it.

Inheritance,” he said.

He unlocked the door and went down the stairs to the cellar. I followed.

So where is she?” I said, looking around.

Right here,” he said.

I felt the injection before I even saw him move.

Next Chapter: Trapped

Reveal (Secret Diary Of A Serial Killer)

This month I’m taking part in the A-Z Challenge! Which means I’ll be writing 26 posts (on set days through the month) each one corresponding to a letter of the alphabet. Today is day 18, which means letter R.

My theme for the month is: Secret Diary Of A Serial Killer. Each post will be a new chapter in the story – I’m really excited to finally get this novel idea out of my head and into words. I hope you enjoy it! 🙂

Previous Chapter: Quiet Start from A: Anna



We waited for the waitress to refill our coffee cups, and I ordered a slice of apple pie. She brought it over fairly quickly, and didn’t even scowl at me this time.

Johnny took a sip of his coffee then leaned back in his chair, waiting for me to begin.

I didn’t know what he was expecting. My mind was racing – could he really know that I’d killed people? I doubted even his skills could figure that out.

There’s a serial killer,” I said, testing the water.

He nodded. “Yeah, I saw on the news.”

Capinski and I are working the case.”

That was Capinski earlier?” He said,

Yeah,” I said, taking a bite of pie. “He-”

Johnny cut me off. “Wait a minute,” he said, and leaned forward, arms on the table. “Your partner, Capinski, is working a serial killer case with you. Presumably the same case you had the tip line call about.”

I nodded.

He called in a tip for his own case?” Johnny frowned. “That doesn’t make sense.”

It does if he’s the serial killer,” I said. I watched Johnny’s face carefully, trying to see what kind of reaction he would have.

All I got from him was a raised eyebrow.

Eventually he said, “You think your partner is killing women?”

I nodded. “They all look exactly like his ex-girlfriend. It was a rough breakup for him.”

That got a 2 raised eyebrow reaction. “Wow,” he said. “That’s… wow.”

I let him think about things for a moment while I finished my pie. It was the first thing I’d eaten in a while, and I saw Johnny smirk at me wolfing it down.

Why would he call in a tip about someone he killed,” he asked.

We’re working on that right now,” I said, hoping the lie was simple enough that he wouldn’t questions it. “Well, I mean I’m working on it. I guess he already knows why he did it.”

Shut up, I thought to myself.

Anyway, the thought around the station is that she escaped or did something he didn’t like,” I said, and shrugged wishing I had more pie to stop myself talking.

So you’re pretending to be into him so you can get close and catch him?” Johnny said, slowly.

Yeah, not the greatest plan I know,” I said, and stood up. “And I really should be going so I can prepare to meet him in the morning.” Opening up about a case to Johnny was making me feel weird, I needed to get out of there before I said something I couldn’t talk my way out of.

Be careful,” he said, frowning at me.

I will,” I said over my shoulder as I headed to the door.

It was only when I stood outside that I remembered I’d come in a cab. I cursed to myself then heard footsteps behind me. Johnny picked up the tracking device from the plant pot, walked over and carefully pushed it into my pocket.

Don’t forget about this,” he said. His fingers lingered on my pocket edge a little longer than necessary.

Was he flirting with me? My brain didn’t know what to do. But I took too long to figure it out and the moment past.

Johnny took a step back, his thumbs hooked in his jean pockets. “I’ll have your phone ready tomorrow,” he said.

Next Chapter: Surprise

Quiet (Secret Diary Of A Serial Killer)

This month I’m taking part in the A-Z Challenge! Which means I’ll be writing 26 posts (on set days through the month) each one corresponding to a letter of the alphabet. Today is day 17, which means letter Q.

My theme for the month is: Secret Diary Of A Serial Killer. Each post will be a new chapter in the story – I’m really excited to finally get this novel idea out of my head and into words. I hope you enjoy it! 🙂

Previous Chapter: Partner Start from A: Anna



Johnny stared at me as I walked back to the corner booth and sat down. Hie eyes bored into me but he didn’t say anything.

I opened my mouth to speak but he lifted a finger in front of my face, the glare only seeming to intensify.

This wasn’t good.

I knew he liked the diner to be kept a secret. I mentally kicked myself for not being more careful to be sure Capinski didn’t follow me there.

Johnny got up from the table and walked over to me. He reached in his pocket and I kept my hand resting on my gun, just in case. He withdrew his hand and with it a device of some kind. He waved it over me in systematic movements, it beeped a few times – once for my phone, once for my police radio, and a third time over my back pocket.

I reached in and pulled out a small disc. Johnny took it off me, walked outside and I watched him place it in a plant pot near the door.

He walked back and sat across from me once more.

Can I talk now?” I said.

No,” he said. He sounded calm but his face was showing so much emotion. “That was how he tracked you.” He pointed toward the plant pot outside. “He must have slipped it in your pocket…at some point.” He raised an eyebrow as the said the last few words.

I knew he would have seen the kiss. I didn’t know it would have upset him this much, but he seemed more angry about that than the fact I was followed.

Johnny leaned forward. “When were you going to tell me that you’re dating the guy who left the tip line message?”

I was surprised he recognised Capinski’s voice. “He’s not my boyfriend,” I said, rather too defensively. “He’s my partner. You know, at work.”

Johnny folded his arms and raised an eyebrow.

The kiss…” I stopped and considered how much to tell him. Would he want to help me take down Capinski? Would his help just get in the way of my own killing pastime – I’d hate to have to take out Johnny for knowing too much. I’d do it, but I’d hate it.

Look, I know you and I have always kept our lives private,” I said. “So how much do you even want to know?”

He leaned forward and surprised me again. “All of it,” he said.

You don’t know what you’re asking,” I said, my voice hushed.

He smiled. “Maybe I do.”

Next Chapter: Reveal