That’s what a friend just told me as today I’ve taken the plunge and signed up with Twitter.

So now I can tell everyone about when I go to buy carrots or whatever else fits into the 140 characters – generally writing related, no carrots to see here 🙂

I did find out that there is another Natalie Westgate though and she had already taken the username, which threw me to start with.  Natalie_Westgate would have been a nice alternative, but Twitter only allows 15 characters for names and guess how many characters NatalieWestgate is?  You guessed it, 15.  So no underscore for me :/  But after many tries I found something that worked!  So, if you want to follow me or tweet me (or do other things that I’m unfamiliar with on Twitter!) then you can find me at @N_Westgate 🙂  I’ll update the “follow” icons on this site to add one for Twitter after I’ve got used to tweeting!

Wish me luck.