Category: <span>Writing</span>

Writers Beware

I was shown a link today for the blog of a budding writer.  She wrote about her road to publication and, to sum it up, how even though the road had been filled with rejection she ended up getting an agent and a book deal all in one day after self-publishing an ebook recently.  There were a couple of things in her story that seemed a bit strange to me – mainly the fact that the agent who contacted her then proceeded to sell her book to a publisher within a few hours and without a contract ever being signed between the agent and the writer.  I assumed she left that part out for legal reasons.

However, it turns out that my assumption was wrong.  She has just made a new post to say how the whole thing was a scam.  Not from her, but that she was scammed by someone pretending to be the agent in question.  She only found out when she called the agency to discuss some things and they let her know that they had recently been hacked and that they had no knowledge of her or her supposed contract.  I’m not going to link to her blog here because I’m not certain if she really was scammed, or if it was a publicity stunt to get more viewers to her blog with key phrases on the original post like “how I got published in one day!”.

If it really did happen then I feel for the girl, that must be a horrible thing to feel so elated and then so crushed in such a short amount of time.  But it’s a good lesson to everyone out there, to make sure that you are 100% certain of who you’re dealing with.

My writing isn’t at the query stage yet so I won’t be approaching agents for at least the next few months.  It’s a scary thing though, that there may be people who are doing these kinds of scams.

He said, she said

All those years ago in school I remember that every story I wrote, and every piece of creative writing for school work, was written in third person.  I used to hear people talking about first person writing and think to myself “But that’s crazy!  Only one perspective?  I could never write like that!”.

Yet after leaving school, and college, I started reading a series of books that was written in first person and that series is actually what spurred me on to actually focus on a writing career.  I decided to try out this crazy first person malarkey…and haven’t looked back since!  I find it so much easier to write and realised very early on that it definitely doesn’t limit the “sides” of the story that you can convey.

So now, I’m sitting here working on a short story for a competition and feel like I’m back in school because it has to be written in third person.  They give you the first line of the story and you carry it on, to wherever you feel like taking it.  But try as I might, you can’t do anything with that first line other than write in third person.

It’s strange to me that something I used to do so often, and for so long, is now like a foreign concept and I’m finding it really difficult to write from an outside view.  I keep asking myself “Why is this?” and maybe it’s just because I haven’t done so for so long.  But I feel it’s more than that – writers choose to write in first or third person and tend to stick with one or the other throughout all of their books.  Personal preference and all that.

I don’t know, maybe it’s just like stretching a muscle you haven’t used for a while.  Or maybe I should just stop pondering these things and get back to, you know, the actual writing part!  Procrastination, oh how I missed thee.

Tick Tock

I feel as though I’ve spent a lot of time working on this author site today.  No, I know I’ve spent a lot of time on it!  Time that I should really have been using for some writing competitions that I’d like to enter.

Too many competitions really.  Or maybe there isn’t such a thing as too many competitions.

I get a magazine called Writing Magazine (I know, it does what it says!) and they have a lot of competitions listed inside, not just their own but for all sorts of different places.  It used to be that I’d pick up a copy of any kind of writing competitions list and not find anything that was aimed at the genre I enjoy writing.  But now, it’s as though there’s a sudden boom in the fiction industry as a whole, particularly things like Dark Fantasy.  Perhaps because of vampires getting a re-vamp.  No pun intended!

Oh, I hope these competitions aren’t looking for sparkles.  Unless my MC gets herself a glue gun and some glitter, no one is going to have any.


I feel as though this should be a welcome post.  I definitely want to welcome people to my blog! 🙂  But other than actually saying “welcome!”, I’m not really sure what to put here.

Take a look around the site, check out the “About” section to learn a little bit about me 🙂 and later I’ll be adding a section with samples of my work and probably other goodies too.

I write what used to all be lumped under the Horror genre, even if it wasn’t horrific, but now is split into Urban Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Supernatural Fiction, Paranormal Romance…  I think a specific genre for my work will become apparent after I’ve finished the novel I’m working on.  But until that time, I cross a blurry line between Dark Fantasy, Urban Fantasy (that’s a blurry line in itself!) and Supernatural Fiction.

Anyway, make yourself at home!  I’ll be settling into the site properly in a few weeks and will then post regularly about my writing and progressing to publication.